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Working with Streams in Python

We are all used to working with files on disk. Reading and writing files to disk is second nature to anyone that does more with a computer than just emailing and web surfing. Streams are representation of files in memory. Using standard file i/o, when opening and reading a file on disk, the contents are placed in memory. This "memory file" can be used to write a new file or write changes to the old one. Using the `io` library, a "memory file" can be used to send the contents to other applications without ever writing them to disk. In this lab you will get a chance to use streams to copy a file, and to provide an in-memory file for consumption by a different application. **Please Note:** The contents of `book.txt` was taken from Shakespeare's Sonnets.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Jun 05, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Create a Copy for the Editing Department

    Please follow guiding comments in the file. You will be asked to create a function from scratch that takes an input and an output, and then makes a copy of the input to the output.

    import io
    def copy_book(input, output):
        write the input to the output
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # author's novel is stored in file `book.txt`
        # create a copy of the book for the editing department
        # append _text to the end of the name of the copy
        # student input needed, please use book_input and book_copy
        # as the handles to the files
        book_input = open("book.txt", "r+b")
        book_copy = open("book_edit.txt", "w+b")
        copy_book(book_input, book_copy)
        # test file exists
            f = open("book_edit.txt", "r+b")
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("book_edit.txt does not exist")
        # test file contents are the same
        assert ==
        # code below this is not shown
  2. Challenge

    Generate a BytesIO Object of Book

    Please follow guiding comments in the file. You will be asked to create a BytesIO object with the book contents. Finally, you will be asked to close all open i/o streams.

        # code above this is not shown
        # write book to a BytesIO object using function copy_book
        # make sure the cursor is at the start of each file (memory file also)
        # send to copy function
        book_stream = io.BytesIO()
        copy_book(book_input, book_stream)
        # test file exists
        if not book_stream.readable():
            print("book_stream does not exist")
        # test
        assert == book_stream.getvalue(), f"Expected: {}\nGot: {book_stream.getvalue()}"
        # close all open files
        # test
        assert book_input.closed == True
        assert book_copy.closed == True
        assert book_stream.closed == True

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